Terms and conditions / FAQ
You will find the additional terms and conditions of the “Children Peace Image of the Year” at the bottom of the page.
What kind of photographs is the Jury looking for?
Please read the text “Why we need the Global Peace Photo Award” in our “About”-Section. It should give you a good idea of the award’s philosophy.
Here you will find answers for frequently asked questions about conditions, technical issues, copyright, fees …
The Global Peace Photo Award is awarded by Edition Lammerhuber in partnership with Photographische Gesellschaft, (PHG), UNESCO, Austrian Parliament, Austrian Parliamentary Reporting Association, International Press Institute (IPI), World Press Photo Foundation, POY LATAM, LensCulture, APA – Austria Presse Agentur, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photographie (DGPh) e.V., UNICEF Austria and Vienna Insurance Group.
The Global Peace Photo Award is open to all photographers from anywhere in the world.
You upload digital files via the submission page.
Digital submissions must be saved as .jpg, with more than 3000 pixels on the longest side. Images must not include any embedded marks, logos, names or borders.
Photographs that are part of a reportage on a topic must not be manipulated in a way that changes the meaning of the picture. For other entries, we accept digitally edited images and photo montages if they serve to explore a theme creatively. All digitally edited images must make clear what has been done to them in the captions that accompany the images.
The Global Peace Photo Award is a photo award. The jury retains the right to exclude AI-generated images from the competition.
No, there is no entry fee!
There is a single image category and a story category at the Global Peace Photo Award.
Please submit single images to the single image category. You can upload up to 99 images to the single image category. They will be judged as single images.
If you have at least 5 images that tell a story, please submit them to the story category. You can also submit multiple stories to the story category. A story can contain up to 12 photos.
If you are under the age of 15 please enter your photo(s) to the Children’s Peace Image of the Year.
There are no different categories for the Children’s Peace Image of the Year.
You have the opportunity to submit several pictures that tell a story.
You can also submit individual pictures that represent peace in their own right. In this case, please create a separate entry for each picture.
At least 5 photographs that share a theme or concept and title. Your work will be judged as a whole, not as individual photographic entries. A story can contain up to 12 photos.
There is no limit to the number of entries, you may submit as many entries as you wish.
Yes, it is allowed to enter photos from your stories also as single image entries.
Yes, your story must not be older than three years at the time when the call for entry opens.
In case of long term projects, at least 2/3 of your work must not be older than three years at the time when the call for entry opens.
The same limit applies to the single image category.
Since our entry-system checks the age of every image individually, you may have to change the date of some submitted images. This is allowed as long as you state the correct date in the image description.
You upload your entry as a .jpg file or files. You can make changes to your entries or delete them at any time prior to the deadline. You need to finalize and submit your entry before the entry deadline.
For each submission (single image or story) you must have a caption in English, maximum length 2000 characters. Captions for the individual photos in a story are not necessary and may not be read by the jury. Please keep your text as short as possible, jurors like short, essential texts!
You can order your images in your image overview.
The jury will judge the photographs on artistic merit, originality, subject, style, and content based on the theme of peace.
The 3 best stories and 1 entry in the single picture category will each receive a cash prize and an Alfred Fried Peace Medal.
Finally, the Peace Image of the Year will be chosen from these 4 best entries.
The Children’s Peace Image of the Year will be chosen from the entries to the Children’s Peace Image of the Year. It will receive a cash prize and an Alfred Fried Peace Medal.
By taking part in the photo competition, you confirm that you are the originator and the copyright holder of the submitted photographs and that the individuals shown in the photos have given consent for a public presentation. The photographer always retains the copyright of his/her image. The partners of the Global Peace Photo Award (see below) have the right to use your submitted images for marketing and promotional activities directly related to the Global Peace Photo Award, without any remuneration being due. These activities include, but are not limited to publications, exhibitions, catalogues, and public screenings. For such usage the photographer will always be credited. This use of the photos by the organizer and the partners is non-exclusive and non-commercial. This means that the participant may continue to use the photos, and that the organizer or the partners do not pursue any commercial aims with the submitted photos. Please make sure you flag your images with your copyright in the metadata. Please note that if your entry wins or is shortlisted, your images will be published online, so please remove any confidential information from the metadata before you upload the images.
If chosen, the participant may be asked to supply high resolution image files. Additionally, by entering, each entrant grants to the partners of the Global Peace Photo Award the unrestricted right to use all statements made in connection with the Contest, and pictures or likenesses of Contest entrants at their sole discretion.
We accept entries to the Global Peace Photo Award until 18 May 2025, 11:59 PM CET.
For the Children’s Peace Image of the Year we accept entries until 18 May 2025, 11:59 PM CET.
We will notify award winners by phone or email right after the jury meeting on 25 July 2024.
Additional terms and conditions for the “Children Peace Image of the Year”.
By participating in the photo competition, parents confirm that their child is the creator of the submitted photographs and that all individuals depicted in the photos have consented to their public display. By taking part the participant and/or its legal representative grant the organizer the right to publicly present the submitted photos in connection with the photo competition. In using the photo(s) the organizer will name the participant and the competition. The right of use is unlimited in terms of time, space and medium.
Technical questions? Please contact picter support support@picter.com. Any other questions? Please send your questions to contest (at) friedaward.com (in English or German). We will answer them as soon as possible.
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