
The jury of the Global Peace Photo Award aims to elaborate on the challenging theme of „What does peace look like?“ and to cooperate in developing it further over several years.

Gregor Auenhammer

Der Standard, Austria

Lisa Berentsen

Art Collection
Vienna Insurance Group, Austria

Michael Biedowicz

Galerist and co-chairman
DGPh, Germany

Lars Boering

Managing Director
European Journalism Centre; Netherlands

Jim Casper

Editor-in-Chief & Co-Founder
LensCulture, Netherland

Pablo Corral Vega

Photographer; Founder
POY Latam, Ecuador

Claudia Dannhauser

ORF Zeit im Bild; Austria

Johannes Dietrich

Managing Director
Leica Camera, Austria

Waris Dirie

Desert Flower Foundation, Austria

Cyril Drouhet

Director of photography
Le Figaro Magazine, France

Florence Drouhet

Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo, France

Eric Falt

UNESCO, Maghreb, Rabat; Morocco
Peter Matthias Gaede

Peter-Matthias Gaede

Journalist, Author
Editor-in-chief GEO 1994 – 2014, Germany

Magdalena Herrera

Director of photography
GEO, France

Gerhard Hinterleitner

Managing director
ASAblanca Media. Austria

Gisela Kayser

CEO & artistic director (1996 – 2021)
Freundeskreis Willy-Brandt-Haus e.V., Germany

Kathrin Kosaca-Fuchs

Deputy Editor in Chief
Cross Media Redaktion; Germany

Andreas Lamm

Deputy Managing Director & Art Director
ECPMF, Germany

Lois Lammerhuber

Founder, photographer and publisher
Edition Lammerhuber, Austria

Silvia Lammerhuber

Co-founder and managing director
Edition Lammerhuber; Austria

Klaus Lorbeer

Foto Objektiv; Austria

Gerd Ludwig

National Geographic Creative; USA

Pascal Maitre

GEO, National Geographic; France

Rolf Nobel

Photographer, professor of photography
Photo gallery GAF Hannover, Germany

Hilde Sandvik

Founder and Editor-in-chief
Broen.xyz; Norway
Werner Sobotka - PHG, Austria

Werner Sobotka

PHG, Austria

Luzia Strohmayer-Nacif

APA - Austria Presse Agentur; Austria