Presenting the shortlist

Thank you to everyone who submitted to the Global Peace Photo Award 2023. Click here to view the top entries of the Global Peace Photo Award 2023 and the Children’s Peace Image of the Year 2023.

The final winners were already informed.


The top five listed photographers will be awarded the Alfred Fried Peace Medal. The Peace Image of the Year will receive €10,000. The winning pictures will be on display for one year at the Auditorium of the Austrian Parliament and will be included in the permanent art collection of the Austrian Parliament.

Award Ceremony

All winners will be invited to Vienna to the award ceremony at the Austrian Parliament on 4 October 2023 with travel expenses and accommodation paid.


The participants of the Global Peace Photo Award 2023 can look forward to a series of exhibitions: For example the winning pictures and a best-of the-shortlist were shown at the Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo, the largest outdoor photo festival in Europe, with over 300 000 visitors.


Austria Presse Agentur (APA) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photographie (DGPh) are new members of the award. Leica Camera Austria and Münze Österreich are new sponsors. A heart felt welcome to our new partners, sponsors and jury members.

14 May 2023 – We warmly welcome Austria Presse Agentur (APA) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photographie (DGPh) as our newest partner. They are powerful players in the world of photography.

Austria Presse Agentur will set a milestone in communicating the Peace Image of the Year around the globe and will be presented in the jury by Luzia Strohmayer-Nacif, head of APA Picture Desk.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photographie will invite the community of German photographers to select their best images about peace and submit them to the award. Michael Biedowicz, co-chairman of DGPh, will become the new member of the jury speaking for DGPh. Münze Österreich will sponsor the award by producing the medals for the six winners as a sponsor. DANKESCHÖN to Director Manfred Matzinger-Leopold.

The managing director of Leica Camera Austria will join the jury as a new member as does Katharina Klapdor-Ben Salem stepping in for Jan Schmolling who decided to retire. Thank you very much for being with us for many years. Big hug, dear Jan, enjoy what’s ahead. They will all will help to strengthen the Global Peace Photo Award and accompany it into the next years.

The Global Peace Photo Award gets a permanent exhibition in the newly renovated Austrian Parliament

18 January 2023The Austrian Parliament is a building like a walk-in sculpture. A building that since its reopening has also become a venue for photography. An initiative by Lois Lammerhuber has led to the furnishing of the auditorium with two exhibitions: WITNESSING HISTORY and GLOBAL PEACE PHOTO AWARD. The exhibition shows the current winners of the Award and will be updated annually. More infos…

A royal reception for winner Sourav Das

18 November 2022Sourav Das was given a festive reception in his home country India. The Global Peace Photo Award rejoices with him. From the submissions from all over the world via the Austrian Parliament back out into the world … that is exactly what the Global Peace Photo Award is about. Chapeau and congratulations Sourav Das! Click here for the video…

Vienna Insurance Group (VIG)

5 July 2022 – We warmly welcome VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP (VIG) as our new main sponsor. VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP (VIG) is the leading insurance group in Central and Eastern Europe. „Peace is a prerequisite for a livable, secure and modern society. Without peace there can be no social justice, no democracy and no ability to engage in dialogue. The Global Peace Photo Award is an important signal of this and a matter of concern for us to support it as part of our traditionally high level of social and cultural responsibility“, says Elisabeth Stadler, General Manager (CEO) and Chairwoman of the Managing Board which will be represented at the Global Peace Photo Award jury by Barbara Grötschnig, head of VIG sponsoring department.


17 February 2022 – We warmly welcome LensCulture as our newest partner. LensCulture is a photography network and online magazine about contemporary photography in art, media, politics, commerce and popular cultures worldwide. It is based in Amsterdam, Netherlands

LensCulture’s Editor-in-Chief & Co-Founder Jim Casper will also join the jury of the Global Peace Photo Award.

XPOSURE Photo Festival APPRECIATION AWARD for the Global Peace Photo Award  

15 February 2022 – the Global Peace Photo Award had the honor to receive an APPRECIATION AWARD, presented by the XPOSURE Photo Festival in Sharjah. More…

A touching letter

2 January 2022 – Sasan Moayyedi from Iran who won the Peace Image of the Year 2020 sent us this letter which made us very happy. We are proud to be called „the best experiences in my field of professional activity“ by a truly accomplished photographer like Sasan.

Hello, I wish you have a good day and hope you are well, sir. I received my award with your help and the cooperation of the embassy. Thanks again to you and the Peace Festival Working Group for this happy event.This event has been one of the best experiences in my field of professional activity. Wishing Collaborate again with you dear ones.Best wishes sasan moayyedi


1 November 2021 – We warmly welcome POY LATAM as our newest partner. POY Latam was created by Loup Langton and Pablo Corral Vega in 2011 to celebrate excellence in documentary and artistic photography in Ibero-America. It has become the largest and one of the most important competitions in the region. POY Latam is not for profit and seeks to reach the general public through the organization of the contest, exhibitions, workshops and publications.

Renowned photojournalist Pablo Corral Vega will also join the jury of the Global Peace Photo Award.


1 November 2021 – The Podcast Gate7 has two episodes in connection to the Global Peace Photo Award. (German speaking)

Listen to the episode „‚Meine Welt war nicht die Welt an den Rändern der roten Teppiche. Ich wollte in das richtige Leben.‘ Peter-Matthias Gaede, Juror of the Global Peace Photo Award“

Listen to the episode „Global Peace Photo Award: Wie sieht Frieden aus?“

The Global Peace Photo Award (formerly the Alfred Fried Photography Award) is organized by Edition Lammerhuber and Photographische Gesellschaft (PHG) in partnership with UNESCO, Austrian Parliament, Austrian Parliamentary Reporting Association, International Press Institute (IPI), German Youth Photography Award, World Press Photo Foundation, POY LATAM, LensCulture, APA – Austria Presse Agentur, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photographie (DGPh) e.V. and Vienna Insurance Group.

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The Global Peace Photo Award is supported by our main sponsor Vienna Insurance Group;
Edition Lammerhuber, Fleming’s Hotels Vienna, Leica, Berufsfotografen Wien, Cyberlab, European Centre for Press and Media Freedom ECPMF, Münze Österreich and FOTO objektiv.

Main sponsor: Vienna Insurance Group
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