
Waris Dirie to join the Alfred Fried Photography Award jury

© Desert Flower Foundation

The Alfred Fried Photography Award welcomes its new jury member Waris Dirie

On Monday 7 November 2016, our 10th exhibition this year was opened at the UN in Geneva on the occasion of the Geneva Peace Week. Please see “exhibitions.”

In his speech Lois Lammerhuber took the opportunity to announce that Ms Waris Dirie (Desert Flower Foundation) had agreed to join the Alfred Fried Photography Award jury and would take on the patronage for the so-called „Children Call“ planned for 2017, the “Children Peace Image of the Year”.

According to OOOM Waries Dirie is considered the number 13 of the 100 most inspiring people of our times. Click here for the list.

A cheerful “chapeau!” and thank you goes to Mr Walter Lutschinger – co-founder of the Desert Flower Foundation – who made it all happen. He told Lois Lammerhuber that Waris had agreed to join our initiative “with joy and enthusiasm“. THANK YOU, dear Walter!

Photo © Desert Flower Foundation

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Press information
Lois Lammerhuber
Edition Lammerhuber
T +43 699 135 83 989
lois.lammerhuber (at)

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