I Wish – A Wish for Politics
I wish – a wish for politics
A Portrait of society
What is your most urgent wish for politics?
Political decisions have never been more important than they are today.
This will not change in the future. The interests of the majority of the population should be given no less consideration than those of industry and business. Good politics must have the well-being of all people in mind – including that of future generations.
This website iWish-WunschandiePolitik.de is intended to invite you to find out the answers to my question from people from different areas of our society and from many regions of Germany.
The aim is for at least as many people to have their say as there are MPs in the Bundestag.
I firmly believe that the individual can be given the necessary importance and attention through photography.
The most important target group for this work is decision-makers in politics and business.