Dune Laboile, France
Dune Laboile – the surname will ring a bell. Yes, Alain Laboile, her father, is one of our five award-winners in the adult category this year. We have never had such a constellation. One could also say: like father, like daughter. Alan Laboile described his daughter beforehand. He calls her cute and quiet. And he says that she has a lot of time for discovering her little world; for painting and sketching and shaping; for playing with five cats; building caves and swimming; reading and watching films; making short videos and, of course, photography – because she does not go to school, but has private lessons at home. Moreover, he says, Dune doesn’t like racists and the destroyers of our plant. All this makes us curious about what will become of young Dune.
A girl is wandering dreamily between heaven and earth, like she is secured by a net. The sun is shining on her right hand, trees provide a canopy. The peace which has been captured here, is the peace of a protected as well as a free childhood. There are no walls, there are no boundaries, dangers possibly unknown, rules are only based on reason. A childhood in the country. This picture was taken by the twelve-year old Dune Laboile, the fifth of six siblings, when camping at the banks of the French brook Dordogne. (Text by Peter-Matthias Gaede)